Finally after a very nice time at home its the time to return back to college life... well when i was leaving from home it seemed very very depressing....what seemed depressing????...:P..." the thought of returning back to college life"...really i never wanted to return back.... was thinking all those 5 days what will happen if i make some or the other random reasons of not returning back... infact curfew @ Bareilly could have been one of my excuse.... but no chance.. expectations of my parents... their aspirations... my dreams... all these factors mixed with the cost of my RAC ticket forced me to remove all those thoughts from my mind and i started to pack my things,..:(.. ultimately i had to come back... so, met all my relatives...[ not knowing when next i will visit home... during these summer vacations i will be in Hyderabad so very little chance to go home..:(..] ..then was the time to give some instructions to my younger brother... gave him a lecture which i know he was not listening to..or even if he was it was only half of it.. but still i gave that lecture least for my satisfaction.... then was the time to say goodbye to all my cousins, relatives, and neighbours.... and then i left for station with my mom and dad .. due to curfew we had to take a longer route... after reaching station checked for my seat in the chart and then took my place in the train.... i was not feeling good.. its always a sad moment.. bidding goodbye to mom and dad.. knowing its again for months u wont be able to meet them... but i tell you a drastic change occured... after i had boarded the train again my mind was full of thoughts what all things are to b done after i reach hostel.. and i realized ...thats lyf... we have to accept every thing which confronts us.. live the current moment.. and move on and on.... now m in my room ....ready for the busy week ahead.. test @ coachng... classes... project work..:(... blah blah....


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