We cannot go out alone.. to enjoy our life the way we want it to be, just because there are some perverts who don't like to see 'us' free.. They think we are on this earth only for fulfillment of their 'desire'.. I seriously doubt they have ever thought of girls as someone they should admire.. I wonder what is the reason.. that these "incidents" have still not stopped.. Anyways, now it is impossible for us to live in a 'safe' India that we had hoped.. They say these men are "aroused" by the revealing dresses the girls wear now everyday.. I would really like to hear why, a little girl is molested at an age she can hardly play.. Then they say that girls should stay at home & should not roam about after it gets dark.. But, I suggest these psychopaths should be tied and kept at home and be trained when to bark.. I wonder what is the reason.. that these "incidents" have still not stopped.. Anyways, now it is imposs...