There are times.. When!!

There are times, when you feel lost and are unable to get, what you really want! There are times, when you aren't successful and whole world seems to fall apart! Just at that moment, you need to hold on to your beliefs and trust yourself, Because, anyone else cannot judge you, know you or understand you that well! There are times, when everyone around you seems to be an alien, and you want to run! There are times, when you are remorseful and rethink why you did what you have done! Just at that moment, you need to hold on to your beliefs and trust yourself, Because, anyone else cannot judge you, know you or understand you that well! There are times, when there is so much todo, but you can't concentrate on a single task! There are times, when you have many questions in your mind, but you are too afraid to ask! Just at that moment, you need to hold on to your beliefs and trust yourself, Because, anyone else cannot judge you, know you or understand...