The Next Leap!

An appreciative boss, a dependable team, and a fantastic role, It is never easy to move on and let go of this "convenience". But, with the need to go onwards and upwards till you reach the goal, New experiences are required to avoid boredom and achieve brilliance!! There is still a long way for me to go, and the road ahead is steep, And I think it might be the right time for me to take the next leap. I feel guilty as I might be selfish for thinking about (only) myself, I also feel confused and fearful of making the wrong decision. But, I need to exhibit strength and propel myself (forward), As I think, I might lose this opportunity to a moment of hesitation. There is still a long way for me to go, and the road ahead is steep, And I think it might be the right time for me to take the next leap. Success stories of fearless leaders have something in common, No matter where they were from, they all had hopes and dreams. They all had several other qualities, I know I have not f...