After all.. its MBA!!

You so much wish that your every day was 48 hours long..
you love your Outlook Calendar and you are quite strong!
but still, you end up RSVPing for two events at the same time..
& you have to miss all but one of them and feel guilty of crime!!
Still.. you put on your shoes and get ready to go everyday..
As you already knew this would happen.. after all.. its MBA!!
You are trying to keep up with pace.. trying to just hang in there..
and often get so busy that your old friends think you do not care!!
you try to sort everything during weekend.. believe me its not possible..
all your sincere efforts go in vain.. though you might think they are laudable!!
Still.. you put on your shoes and get ready to go everyday..
As you already knew this would happen.. after all.. its MBA!!
You are at a new place.. and yes!! with new people..
you find everyone 'friendly' and they're indeed gleeful!
But still, sometimes.. you are surrounded by many and feel alone..
You want to move away to one corner.. or just stare at your phone!
Still.. you put on your shoes and get ready to go everyday..
As you already knew this would happen.. after all.. its MBA!!
Then you feel this 'networking' is not as good as it should be..
and Yes! I do know there are many who would clearly disagree!
but don't you think 'network' is something which should be strong?
few close friends are more than enough and are there for you lifelong!
Still.. you put on your shoes and get ready to go everyday..
As you already knew this would happen.. after all.. its MBA!!
So, there are some folks.. with them you can actually 'connect'..
you can just talk to them for hours.. be it on any subject!
and then you also would find some people, who are totally focused..
they won't even know you exist.. if you don't help them first!
Still.. you put on your shoes and get ready to go everyday..
As you already knew this would happen.. after all.. its MBA!!
You just try to speak up and some people think you are rude..
They say and forget about it.. but you start doubting your attitude!
But you are here to learn.. so learn.. do not believe every opinion..
you have to decide the best for yourself though advices are over a million!
So yes! you should put on your shoes and get ready to go everyday..
As you already knew this would happen.. after all.. its MBA!!
For giving me all that,that others have not.
So just relax,,take life as it comes.Enjoy every moment as time flies and never comes back...