
Showing posts from 2016

Mirror Mirror!!..

Mirror!! mirror!! on the wall.. Do you have a name that I can call?? to talk to you if I am feeling alone.. coz everyone around is not so known!! They talk, they laugh, yes! they even wave sometimes.. but they are not at ease.. yeah I can read the signs! So don't you think that I should just stop trying now? and forget everything as people were not false to their vow!! They have their own priorities and things to take care.. it is normal human nature, and I should not despair?? So.. Mirror!! mirror!! on the wall.. Do you have a name that I can call?? to talk to you if I am feeling alone.. coz everyone around is not so known!! I promise I won't ask for future, I won't even demand anything.. But I would like to shout in front of you and I would also like to sing!! As sharing your anger and happiness is not so easy at times.. and with every other person around.. I have to follow some guidelines!! I just want to make life easy ...

कभी-कभी लगता है यूँ कि..

कभी-कभी लगता है यूँ कि.. आज भी बहुत कुछ सीखना बाकी है.. माना धूप -छाँव का आना - जाना होगा ही मगर.. लोगो का पल भर मे आदतें बदलना अजीब-सा लगता है! कभी-कभी लगता है यूँ कि.. दोस्ती का सबब समझना मुश्किल है.. लोग कई मिल जाते है राह-ए-मंजिल मे मगर.. कौन हमेशा याद रखे और कौन अगले पल भूल जाये ये मायने रखता है! कभी-कभी लगता है यूँ कि.. पत्थरो से बातें करना अच्छा है.. चाहे वो कुछ भी बोल-सुन नहीं सकते मगर.. उनकी वो कुछ भी ना सुनने , ना बोलने की आदत तो हमेशा है! कभी-कभी लगता है यूँ कि.. किसी पर भरोसा करना नादानी है.. आँखें-मूँद विश्वास कर लेना बहुत आसान है मगर.. किसी नाजुक घड़ी में कोई साथ ना आये , तब ये मन चुप-चाप रोता है!! कभी-कभी लगता है यूँ कि..

After all.. its MBA!!

You so much wish that your every day was 48 hours long.. you love your Outlook Calendar and you are quite strong! but still, you end up RSVPing for two events at the same time.. & you have to miss all but one of them and feel guilty of crime!! Still.. you put on your shoes and get ready to go everyday.. As you already knew this would happen.. after all.. its MBA!! You are trying to keep up with pace.. trying to just hang in there.. and often get so busy that your old friends think you do not care!! you try to sort everything during weekend.. believe me its not possible.. all your sincere efforts go in vain.. though you might think they are laudable!! Still.. you put on your shoes and get ready to go everyday.. As you already knew this would happen.. after all.. its MBA!! You are at a new place.. and yes!! with new people.. you find everyone 'friendly' and they're indeed gleeful! But still, sometimes.. you are surrounded by many ...

भुला नहीं सकता

बेटा माँ को भूल कोसो मील दूर चाहे चला जाए .. माँ का आँचल चाहकर भी उसको कभी भुला नहीं सकता || देश छोड़ कर यूँ ही हर कोई निकल जाता है मगर .. अपनी देश की वो मिटटी की खुशबू तो कभी भुला नहीं सकता|| || सभी लोगो को स्वतंत्रता दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं ||

I'll be yours and you'll be mine!!

I may not have called many of you, since a very long time.. But you should remember that you are undoubtedly my lifeline. Those days.. when we were together, were the best I believe.. And those memories.. are something which I would always keep. Somewhere very deep beneath my heart I know.. you'll surely be there through heavy rains & snow!! To hold my hand, to share my happiness & problems.. And I can count on you no matter whatsoever comes. I don't know what else to say.. I feel I am out of time.. But, you all just remember, I'll be yours and you'll be mine!! :P

How have you been?

You have been away from home.. but not for so long.. You are putting up fine.. you're still very strong!! You are in the tourist mode.. everything is still green.. And you do feel nostalgic.. as you're not a machine!! Just then you get a call from someone very keen.. And they just want to know that, "How have you been?"!! You put up a brave face, and say you're doing great.. And you feel that is ofcourse true.. there is no debate!! You laugh a lot and tell them all about this new place.. You switch to video chat, so that they can see your face!! Its not that you have changed a lot, since they had last seen! But they just want to know that, "How have you been?"!! You tell them stories.. some you recently went through.. how you found your way.. when you actually had no clue!! the apartment in Weyburn Terrace has no terrace it seems.. & how when you just fry onions, the fire alarm screams!! They listen to ever...

बस चंद लम्हे ही तो रह गये!!

आज लगने लगा है कि.. बस चंद लम्हे ही तो रह गये.. जाना बहुत दूर है मुझे पर.. ये मेरे मन को कौन कहे? अपने घर मे चैन से रहना.. भला किसको अच्छा नही लगता.. पर अपने सपनो के खातिर हमको.. सब कुछ है छोड़ना पड़ता.. ये कुछ कर दिखाने की आस ही है जो.. जीने का सबब बन जाती है.. चाहे जितनी दूर हो मंज़िल मगर.. ये राह भर साथ निभाती है!! आज लगने लगा है कि.. बस चंद लम्हे ही तो रह गये.. जाना बहुत दूर है मुझे पर.. ये मेरे मन को कौन कहे? कल इसी ने ही तो मुझको उकसाया था.. .आगे  बढ़ते जाने को.. इसी ने तो मुझको समझाया था.. सब भूल अपने कदम बढ़ाने को.. और आज ज़रा देखो तो इसको.. ये ही खुद बाल-मनुहार करके रो रहा.. और वो जो काम आज सँवारने हैं.. उन सबको भूल भावुक-सा ये हो रहा!! आज लगने लगा है कि.. बस चंद लम्हे ही तो रह गये.. जाना बहुत दूर है मुझे पर.. ये मेरे मन को कौन कहे? बस आँखें मूंद माँगने से सब मिल जाए.. ऐसा आख़िर कहाँ होता है.. हौले-हौले.. चार कदम बढ़ाकर ही.. इंसान  मंज़िल तक पहुँचता है.. और आज अगर डगमगाए ये कदम.. तो फ़िर आगे मैं ही खुद को कोसुंगी.. ...

ये मन नही आता बाज़

आज कलम बेताब है मेरी..लिखने को कुछ अल्फ़ाज़.. नही पता क्या.. पर कुछ लिखने का मन है आज.. ऐसा बिल्कुल नही कि मन में कोई उलझन हो लेकिन.. समझ नही आ रहा.. कि आज छेड़ू कौन सा साज़! बातें तो बहुत सारी है कहने को.. मगर.. यूँ ही  तो  सब बताया नही जाता.. और ये मन नही आता बाज़ || बेबाक सामने कही जाती है कुछ बातें अपने आप.. तो कुछ बातें यूँ ही बह जाती है आँसुओं के साथ.. ऐसा बिल्कुल नही की उन बातों में ख़ता है मेरी लेकिन.. बस किसी का दिल ना दुखे.. इसीलिए छुपा लेती हू मैं वो बात! बातें तो बहुत सारी है कहने को.. मगर.. यूँ ही  तो  सब बताया नही जाता.. और ये मन नही आता बाज़ || कुछ बातें है ऐसी भी.. जिनको बोलू बस कुछ लोगो के साथ.. और कभी तो बस किसी एक को.. जिसको समझ आये मेरी बात!! ऐसा बिल्कुल नही की उन बातों में कोई शिकायत है मेरी लेकिन.. बस उन बातों में अपनापन है.. कभी प्यार तो कभी डाँट! बातें तो बहुत सारी है कहने को.. मगर.. यूँ ही  तो  सब बताया नही जाता.. और ये मन नही आता बाज़ || जहन में दबी हुई और भी होती हैं कई बात.. जो बह...

Rest . In . Peace

I am confused.. I am shocked.. Unable to think.. my mind is blocked.. I just know it happened.. But I wish to know why?? Bcoz.. I can't imagine what could force you to die.. There might have been some family problems..Or some work issues.. But isn't life full of such things.. but still it continues.. May be you were very angry or had an argument with someone... But seriously.. Nothing can justify what you have done!! I can still see your smiling face.. when someone talks about you.. I still cannot believe that, it was 'you' who killed 'YOU'.. You were the one who advised me.. don't rush over important decisions.. Then how could you take this extreme step forgetting all your ambitions.. I just wish that you would have shared your feelings and emotions.. because with someone by your side you can cross the deepest oceans.. I know by saying all these things this pain will not cease.. I can just pray to God now that may your soul Rest In Peace..

Sometimes I Fear..

I fear that I might have done something wrong.. Even though it's someone else's fault all along. I am not able to accuse them, I don't know why.. I just assume they will understand by and by.. Sometimes I Fear.. I fear for my friends, my relatives and my foes.. as I might not be what I am, if not for those.. who advised, supported, and challenged me everytime.. Whatsoever they did, they have really helped me climb! Sometimes I Fear.. I fear the change, though I like it too.. "change is the necessity" is also my view. But still somehow I get nervous very often.. when there's a new turn in the path I have been walking.. Sometimes I Fear.. I fear that my world might fall apart.. that I won't be even able to start.. with my dreams, my aspirations and my goals.. As I may take the road with many pit holes. Sometimes I Fear.. Oh God! tell me how will this storm pass.. coz I don't even have a mari...


"You are quite 'well-settled' and 'successful'", said my elders.. "Enjoy your life and Don't take any risk", were their two cents; But, I couldn't explain to them that 'Enjoyment' comes with 'risks'.. As, receiving a lesson from young ones, undoubtedly 'pricks'; I chose to go against the norms and try for something I 'dreamt'.. Deciding to become a student again was just my first attempt; Everyone around me seemed sceptical, but I had already started.. The End seemed far away.. but, it was something I really wanted; I think, I knew that I would feel, what I am presently feeling.. But, just the thought of 'learning' made the idea so 'appealing'; I still hope for several chances to have my dream fulfilled.. Because, I know I can do that and with that thought I am thrilled; If I tell the truth, I would say that I am really very scared.. For what is about to h...